BTWA has been around for 10 years and is a small school, with average class sizes around 20 scholars. We prioritize anti-racism mindsets in our teacher training and student curriculum, have 2 non-evaluative coaches at both the elementary and middle school, and have a slightly extended school day to accommodate our rigorous curriculum and SEL practices like morning meeting. BTWA is named after Booker T. Washington, the founder of Tuskegee Institute in Tuskegee, Alabama.
At BTWA, we are looking for candidates that are aligned to our CORE beliefs. BTWA faculty must: 1. Believe that all scholars have unlimited capacity for learning 2. Teachers are responsible for teaching more than academics and need to focus on the whole child 3. Commit to doing whatever it takes to meet the needs of scholars 4. Embrace that results are one of the measures of success for high performing teachers
Full health, vision and dental coverage for the employee.