LEEP Dual Language Academy Charter School is a Spanish immersion elementary school in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, now recruiting K-3 teachers for our third year of operation. LEEP Dual Language Academy combines three powerful ingredients: 1) intensive Spanish language immersion; 2) instructional techniques from top charter schools; and 3) a culture informed by Responsive Classroom practices and lots of respeto y cariño. Our bilingual team hails from 12 countries including the U.S., Mexico, Spain, Italy, and nations across Latin America. Professionally, we have experience from places like KIPP, Achievement First, Ascend, Uncommon Schools, and Classical Charters.
1. Language learning makes a world of difference. 2. Knowledge matters. 3. Achievement starts with caring and belonging. 4. We care enough to have high expectations. 5. Teaching is a team sport. 6. Great educators get better. Great schools help them. 7. Families are partners. -You have high-level fluency in Spanish and are fluent in English. -You like the idea of teaching in Spanish most of the school day. -You love teamwork and feedback. -You want to join a school community that is safe and orderly while treating everyone with respect and dignity.