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Using Mindfulness for Better Classroom Management > Lesson 8 of 12

How to Calm Down (for Students and Teachers): The Hand Trace

Become the master of your mind! When you are calm, you make better decisions for yourself and your students. So when problems arise in your classroom and you feel yourself getting upset, don’t respond right away. Use one of these four strategies to calm down, then revisit the problem. You will immediately notice the difference. The second of our four strategies is the “Hand Trace.”

Key Points

  • This strategy involves practicing mindful breathing while tracing the outline of your hand
  • Using your senses to attend to this simple task will redirect your attention to the present
  • This will enable you to think more clearly and calmly, and ultimately make a better decision

Additional Resources

Mindfulness for Teachers and School Leaders

Practice Over Perfection: Bringing Mindfulness to the Classroom

Teacher Self-Care 101: 4 Ways to Reclaim Your Time, Energy and Piece of Mind

Managing Challenging Student Behaviors

Establishing Powerful Presence in the Classroom

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