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We’ll meet our main content contributor, Leah Gooch, who has spent over ten years as an educator, both in NYC schools and in correctional facilities in upstate NY. She shares mindfulness techniques that have proven to be effective with all students, whether they are incarcerated or in a traditional school setting. We’ll also introduce our presenter, Liz Willingham, who can personally attest to the effectiveness of Leah’s techniques, and has spent a decade working with NYC schools as a teacher, instructional coach, and recruiter.

Key Points

  • An introduction to Selected and what we offer our teaching candidates
  • Meet our presenter and our content contributor
  • What you can expect to learn in this course and what topics will be covered

Additional Resources

Mindfulness for Teachers and School Leaders

Practice Over Perfection: Bringing Mindfulness to the Classroom

Managing Challenging Behaviors

Establishing Powerful Presence in the Classroom

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